The Unorthodox Therapist
Hello everyone and welcome to The Unorthodox Therapist. I am your host and Licensed Professional Counselor, Dante Duval Barfield. I am a fully established clinician in the city of Philadelphia, PA. I will be introducing to you all my unorthodox perspective of all things related to mental health and therapy. I’m hoping to bring humor and joy and continue my mission to defeat the stigma of mental health and open your minds to other ways you can become your truest and best self.
Podcasting since 2020 • 12 episodes
The Unorthodox Therapist
Latest Episodes
The Unorthodox Therapist Session 11: The Intersection of Anxiety and Identity
Simply put this session opens up the space to begin exploring Generalized Anxiety Disorder beyond the DSM 5. My therapy is grounded in the soil of identity and learning more about how our true selves intersect within society, work, home, and ou...
Season 1
Episode 11

The Unorthodox Therapist: Session 10: "Breonna Taylor: We Should Have Loved You First"
Breonna Taylor, why did we not say your name? In the episode I explore many social and therapeutic dynamics of the death and murder of Breonna Taylor. This is episode is an opportunity for accountability within the vision of progress for Black ...
Season 1
Episode 10

The Unorthodox Therapist Session 9 feat. Marquise Davon: "We Are George Philadelphia"
We Are George: PhillyWhat's good everybody. Welcome to my first bonus session featuring Marquise Davon. Marquise is a Black male educator in the Philadelphia area that primarily focuses on bringing Hip Hop Culture into the classr...
Season 1
Episode 9

The Unorthodox Therapist Session 8: "George Floyd, I Never Met You, But I Love You"
The unjust murder of George Floyd is a shared collective trauma for the black community. His murder is highlighting countless of years of systemic oppression, racism, and police brutality. In this episode I do my best to highlight ...
Season 1
Episode 8

The Unorthodox Therapist: Session 7: "Dear Mom: Thank You for Dying"
Hello everyone. Session 7 is where I introduce parents grief and loss through my therapeutic golden gun: self-disclosure. Throughout this episode I will explore the loss and death of my mother through my only memories of her life and focus sole...
Season 1
Episode 7